I was going through my emails and was reading thru Decor8 Daily's feed and totally fell in love with the blog "Record The Day" by photographer Jeska Hearne. She captures bits and pieces of things she loves (mostly torn out magazine clippings) collages them onto 3 x 5 index cards and dates them. My connection is that I do this too, only on full 8 x 12 sheets of paper and then amass them all into binders. They are my go to for design ideas, inspiration for my art, or just pure enjoyment of seeing all that has captured me over the years. And a way to not over clutter my cluttered studio.

I love the power these tiny postcards provoke. They tell so much even if the artist had no intention of a story but of merely 'keepsaking" something of inspiration. You can also purchase her photographs from her etsy shop!
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